
Groups are a way to organize your employees. They are also used to set how employees earn PTO.

In our documentation, we refer to it as ‘PTO.’ It may appear as ‘ETO’ or some other term, based on what your company uses.

Only Administrators can manage groups.

To manage groups, in the top menu, go to {Your Employer Name} > Groups.

PTO Calculations

There are four options available for how PTO is calculated:

  • Flat Annual: The employee earns a fixed amount of PTO, once per year, on the anniversary of their being hired.
  • Flat Per Pay Period: The employee earns a fixed amount of PTO, once every pay period.
  • Hour Multiplier Per Pay Period: The employee earns PTO based on how many hours they worked in the pay period. (Only Categories that are set to earn PTO count.)
  • Manual: The employee earns PTO on some other criteria; Tiaan will not automatically add any PTO to their balance.

All PTO processing happens when the pay period is applied.